Hello, I'm Jennifer
Jennifer offers gentle guidance in crafting meaningful spaces for the end of life process, compassionate companionship for palliative or longer term care, and personal assistance for those navigating their final affairs. She is deeply dedicated to the journey that the death and dying realm brings to the human consciousness and is adept navigating the “Shadow Realms” where many of our stored emotional and mental patterns can provide the greatest insight and healing during Life’s profound transitions.
Along with several personal experiences walking beside death, Jennifer brings a background of training and certifications from the holistic healing worlds, including;
-Dipl. Asian Bodywork Therapy, Wellspring School for Asian Bodywork; NCCAOM Cert. 2002
-Spiritual Care Hospice Cert., Rigpa Institute
-Art of Dying Cert, Open Center New York
-Decade long spiritual healing apprenticeship with cross-cultural wisdom holder/healer/storyteller Grandmother Suzanne Lewis
-Certified Peace Wheel Facilitator and Advocate
Jennifer’s philosophies and approach to living and dying are informed by her reverence and respect for the Natural World and the cycles of Life we are but a part of. She believes the inherent Life Force in wild places of the Earth can answer unspoken questions of mortality and offer solace and connection to an individual’s Source. From this place, her advocacy to bring awareness to collective and cultural grief around loss and love of healthy ecospheres and human relationships infuses her work to be with each person’s inner environment as they navigate the terrain of their own loss and love.
**comfortable assisting with pediatric death and dying